DoublePlusGood Comedy show
Ben Asher's DoublePlusGood Comedy show brings you comedy that reaches up into your brain with the force of a fist through the nose. Top comics from TV and NYC's major clubs performing long sets on an intimate stage. Every 1st Saturday of the month you can hear some of the most talented comics perform long sets, that other shows don't give them the time to perform. DoublePlusGood Comedy is your chance to get to really watch comedians flex their muscles and hit their stride on stage, at Cherry Tree bar, where you can get the finest crafts on tap and craft food and pizza on your table, and craft comedy in your face!
See the Schedule for a list of all the DoublePlusGood Comedy show dates -
Free Admission - RSVP for free to be entered into a raffle for prizes and free drinks -
At Asylum NYC, 307 West 26th Street, New York, NY
See the Schedule for a list of all the DoublePlusGood Comedy show dates -
Free Admission - RSVP for free to be entered into a raffle for prizes and free drinks -
At Asylum NYC, 307 West 26th Street, New York, NY